1 Samuel 2:12-26
"The man offering the sacrifice might reply,
“Take as much as you want, but the fat must first be burned.” Then the servant
would demand, “No, give it to me now, or I’ll take it by force.” So the sin of
these young men was very serious in the LORD’s sight, for they treated the
LORD’s offerings with contempt". (1 Samuel 2:16-17)
"Jesus entered the Temple and began to drive out the merchants and their customers. He knocked over the tables of the money changers and the stalls of those selling doves". (Matthew 21:12)
It was stipulated in the Law that the needs of all the
Levites were to be met through the people’s tithes (Numbers 18:20-24; Joshua
13:14, 33). Since Eli’s sons were priests, they were to be taken care of in
this way. But Eli’s sons took advantage of their position of trust to satisfy
their lust for power, possessions, and control. Their contempt and arrogance
toward the people and the worship of God endangered the integrity of the whole
Eli knew his sons were evil, but he did little to correct or
stop them, even when the integrity of God’s sanctuary was threatened. As the
high priest, Eli should have executed his sons (Numbers 16:16-38). No wonder
Eli chose not to confront the situation. But by choosing to ignore their
selfish actions, Eli let his sons ruin their own lives and the lives of many
others. There are times when serious problems must be confronted, even if the
consequences might be painful.
This is the second time Jesus cleared the temple (see John
2:13-17). Merchants and money changers set up their booths in the Court of the
Gentiles in the temple, crowding out the Gentiles who had come from all over
the civilized world to worship God. The merchants sold sacrificial animals at
high prices, taking advantage of those who had come long distances. The money
changers exchanged all international currency for the special temple coins-the
only money the merchants would accept. They often deceived foreigners who
didn’t know the exchange rates. Their commercialism in God’s house frustrated people’s
attempts at worship. This, of course, greatly angered Jesus. Any practice that
interferes with worshiping God should be stopped.
"If you lend anything to your neighbor, do
not enter your neighbor’s house to claim the security". (Deuteronomy 24:10)
OF OTHERS Matthew 18:1-9
"About that time the disciples came to Jesus and asked, “Which of us is greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven?” (Matthew 18:1)
God told his people to treat the poor with justice. The
powerless and poverty-stricken are often looked upon as incompetent or lazy
when, in fact, they may be victims of oppression and circumstance. God says we
must do all we can to help these needy ones. His justice did not permit the
Israelites to insist on profits or quick payment from those who were less
fortunate. Instead, his laws gave the poor every opportunity to better their
situation, while providing humane options for those who couldn’t. We are called
to treat the poor fairly and to see their needs met.
The disciples had become so preoccupied with the organization
of Jesus’ earthly kingdom, they lost sight of its divine purpose. Instead of
seeking a place of service, they sought positions of advantage. How easy it is
to lose our eternal perspective and compete for promotions or status in the
church. How hard it is to identify with the “little children"-weak and
dependent people with no status or influence.
1 Samuel 24:4-7 . . . “Now’s your opportunity!” David’s men
whispered to him. “Today is the day the Lord was talking about when he said, ‘I
will certainly put Saul into your power, to do with as you wish.’” Then David
crept forward and cut off a piece of Saul’s robe. But then David’s conscience
began bothering him because he had cut Saul’s robe. “The Lord knows I shouldn’t
have done it,” he said to his men.
The temptation of popularity and control can cause us to
take advantage of others. Also, we must be certain that the counsel of others
is God-focused rather than self-focused.
Zechariah 7:10 . . . Do not oppress widows, orphans,
foreigners, and poor people. And do not make evil plans to harm each other.
Deuteronomy 24:14 . . . Never take advantage of poor
laborers, whether fellow Israelites or foreigners living in your towns.
2 Timothy 3:5-6 . . . They will act as if they are
religious, but they will reject the power that could make them godly. You must
stay away from people like that. They are the kind who work their way into
people’s homes and win the confidence of vulnerable women who are burdened with
the guilt of sin and controlled by many desires.
The vulnerable often attract those who take advantage of
Genesis 27:35-36 . . . Isaac said, “Your brother was here,
and he tricked me. He has carried away your blessing.” Esau said bitterly, “No
wonder his name is Jacob, for he has deceived me twice, first taking my
birthright and now stealing my blessing. Oh, haven’t you saved even one
blessing for me?”
Romans 16:18 . . . Such people are not serving Christ our
Lord; they are serving their own personal interests. By smooth talk and glowing
words they deceive innocent people.
Those who are most concerned about their own personal
interests often take advantage of others.
Ezekiel 22:27 . . . Your leaders are like wolves, who tear
apart their victims. They actually destroy people’s lives for profit!
Jeremiah 23:10 . . . The land is full of adultery, and it
lies under a curse. The land itself is in mourning-its pastures are dried up.
For the prophets do evil and abuse their power.
Micah 7:3 . . . They go about their evil deeds with both
hands. How skilled they are at using them! Officials and judges alike demand
bribes. The people with money and influence pay them off, and together they
scheme to twist justice.
Power and money often combine to tempt some to take
advantage of others.
Deuteronomy 24:15 . . . Pay them their wages each day before
sunset because they are poor and are counting on it. Otherwise they might cry
out to the Lord against you, and it would be counted against you as sin.
Isaiah 3:14 . . . The leaders and the princes will be the
first to feel the Lord’s judgment. “You have ruined Israel, which is my
vineyard. You have taken advantage of the poor, filling your barns with grain
extorted from helpless people.”
John 2:15-16 . . . Jesus made a whip from some ropes and
chased them all out of the Temple. He drove out the sheep and oxen, scattered
the money changers’ coins over the floor, and turned over their tables. Then,
going over to the people who sold doves, he told them, “Get these things out of
here. Don’t turn my Father’s house into a marketplace!”
The Lord God considers it sin to take advantage of others.
Those who take advantage of others will be judged.
Matthew 21:13 . . . He said, “The Scriptures declare, ‘My
Temple will be called a place of prayer, but you have turned it into a den of
Taking advantage of others can interfere with worship.
Psalm 25:3 . . . No one who trusts in you will ever be
disgraced, but disgrace comes to those who try to deceive others.
Job 24:20-21 . . . Even the sinner’s own mother will forget
him. Worms will find him sweet to eat. No one will remember him. Wicked people
are broken like a tree in the storm. For they have taken advantage of the
childless who have no protecting sons. They refuse to help the needy widows.
Proverbs 26:26 . . . While their hatred may be concealed by
trickery, it will finally come to light for all to see.
Those who take advantage of others will eventually be
exposed and disgraced.
Leviticus 19:14 . . . Show your fear of God by treating the
deaf with respect and by not taking advantage of the blind.
Leviticus 25:17 . . . Show your fear of God by not taking
advantage of each other. I, the Lord, am your God.
Nehemiah 5:15 . . . This was quite a contrast to the former
governors who had laid heavy burdens on the people, demanding a daily ration of
food and wine, besides a pound of silver. Even their assistants took advantage
of the people. But because of my fear of God, I did not act that way.
A healthy fear of God deters us from taking advantage of
others. When we see others as God sees them, we will love them, not hurt them.
Deuteronomy 24:10-13 . . . If your neighbor is poor and has
only a cloak to give as security, do not keep the cloak overnight. Return the
cloak to its owner by sunset so your neighbor can sleep in it and bless you.
And the Lord your God will count it as a righteous act.
Psalm 82:3 . . . Give fair judgment to the poor and the
orphan; uphold the rights of the oppressed and the destitute.
We are to be considerate of others. When we honor our
neighbor as ourselves, we will treat our neighbor as we would like to be treated.
Jeremiah 22:3 . . . This is what the Lord says: Be
fair-minded and just. Do what is right! Help those who have been robbed; rescue
them from their oppressors. Quit your evil deeds! Do not mistreat foreigners,
orphans, and widows. Stop murdering the innocent!
Leviticus 19:15 . . . Always judge your neighbors fairly,
neither favoring the poor nor showing deference to the rich.
Deuteronomy 1:16-17 . . . I instructed the judges, “You must
be perfectly fair at all times, not only to fellow Israelites, but also to the
foreigners living among you. When you make decisions, never favor those who are
rich; be fair to lowly and great alike”
Zechariah 7:9 . . . This is what the Lord Almighty says:
Judge fairly and honestly, and show mercy and kindness to one another.
We are to be fair, never show partiality, and always show
mercy and kindness to each other. Fairness is keeping the same set of accounts
for everyone, without showing favor to some.
Psalm 112:5 . . . All goes well for those who are generous,
who lend freely and conduct their business fairly.
Proverbs 16:11 . . . The Lord demands fairness in every
business deal; he sets the standard.
We are to be fair in all business dealings, using God’s
2 Corinthians 4:2 . . . We reject all shameful and underhanded
methods. We do not try to trick anyone, and we do not distort the word of God.
We tell the truth before God, and all who are honest know that.
Isaiah 33:15 . . . The ones who can live here are those who
are honest and fair, who reject making a profit by fraud, who stay far away
from bribes, who refuse to listen to those who plot murder, who shut their eyes
to all enticement to do wrong.
We are to reject all questionable methods of dealing with
others. When we are in Christ, we become Christlike in the way we deal with
Colossians 4:5 . . . Live wisely among those who are not
Christians, and make the most of every opportunity.
Ephesians 5:16 . . . Make the most of every opportunity for
doing good in these evil days.
We should actively search for ways to do good to others. It
is when we get caught up with the “things” of this world that we are more
likely to begin taking advantage of others.
Genesis 31:7 . . . He has tricked me, breaking his wage
agreement with me again and again. But God has not allowed him to do me any
Proverbs 22:22-23 . . . Do not rob the poor because they are
poor or exploit the needy in court. For the Lord is their defender. He will
injure anyone who injures them.
Ezekiel 34:22 . . . I will rescue my flock, and they will no
longer be abused and destroyed. And I will judge between one sheep and another.
1 Peter 2:23 . . . He did not retaliate when he was
insulted. When he suffered, he did not threaten to get even. He left his case
in the hands of God, who always judges fairly.
We are to trust God to be our protection, our ultimate
defender and fair judge. How can we do better than that?
Proverbs 2:6-9 . . . The Lord grants wisdom! From his mouth
come knowledge and understanding. He grants a treasure of good sense to the
godly. He is their shield, protecting those who walk with integrity. He guards
the paths of justice and protects those who are faithful to him. Then you will
understand what is right, just, and fair, and you will know how to find the
right course of action every time.
Romans 6:13 . . . Do not let any part of your body become a
tool of wickedness, to be used for sinning. Instead, give yourselves completely
to God since you have been given new life.
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